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Good Morning, CUNY!

Hello one and… none! As it stands, no one reads this blog yet. Perhaps that’s for the better. Today I finished tweaking the visuals to my liking, and I’m going to start uploading useful information to it soon enough.

I plan on using this blog to aggregate my work across classes, as well as a homebase for my CV and other research. Nice to have somewhere to point people to that proves I exist… why do academics like Twitter so much, anyway? If anybody knows what an RSS feed is, please let me know.

I also expect I’ll use this blog for random opinions as well. Listen, I had a blog back in the aughts and that’s what we all did- blurted random opinions out into the void in the hopes someone would listen. Are you the captive audience I’ve been waiting for?

Perhaps I should’ve introduced myself. My name is Theodore, but everyone calls me Teddy (or sometimes Ted, if you’re weird like that). I’m a Computational Linguist, a title which was thrust upon me rather than chosen (can you tell the imposter syndrome hits hard?), and a current Master’s student in Digital Humanities at CUNY’s Graduate Center. My main project is Project Map Lemon, which seeks to establish a baseline for linguistic change across the Internet (and is currently exclusive to North American English, I should add). I’m a volunteer research assistant with the Evaluating Variation in Language lab at Duquesne University, and I’m also currently employable!

You can contact me at: [email protected].

You’ll find, as well, that I’m a loud gay Jew. I’m not afraid to get political, either. In my free time, I tend to find myself crumbling underneath the weight of existential dread, reading an excess in vampire novels, or playing Minecraft.

Nice to meetcha!